The Concrete Paving Co offers shoreline retention services in Prince Edward County. Shoreline retention has been an issue for many in Prince Edward County over the years and with climate change things could only get more worrying for water damage. There is no reason anyone should watch their shoreline disappear year after year.

Experienced Installers

With a concrete shoreline wall, you will never watch your waterfront wash away. During the winter months retaining walls give slowly expanding ice sheets something solid and vertical to push against. That is not good news for a waterfront homeowner. Your retaining wall will lose the battle against the elements. Retaining walls provide both peace of mind and are esthetically pleasing. Shorelines provide critical sibilation and prevent erosion. The Concrete Paving Company protect can provide peace of mind and work with you to design and install your new retaining wall.

Onsite Visit

During our on site visit we will determine the appropriate type of material and size required to adequately protect the shore from wave and ice action. Armour stone is a very durable and esthetically pleasing option used to fight again corrosion. The rectangular blocks of natural rock may be placed in multiple stepped back layered levels to accommodated different shore heights. Armour stone can be stacked vertically to minimize the amount of ground space used which offers significant benefits to developed spaces.

Durable Solutions

Concrete shoreline walls are more durable than any other shoreline retention method you can install. We ensure minimal disruption when work is being carried out at your home. We are always only a phone call away should you have any questions throughout the installation and beyond. We can also assist with the appropriate permits that may be required. Contact the Concrete Paving Co for more information on shoreline retention services in Prince Edward County. For more information on shoreline retention services in Prince Edward County. Call us on 613 848 4244 or email on [email protected].

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Armour stone is not a watertight barrier, therefore causing it to shift and wash out over time. Concrete is a completely waterproof barrier and will never wash out.

Our Shoreline Projects

Shorelines and docks

Shorelines and docks Main Photo